Academic Administrative Team
Committee on Anti-racism, Equity, and Justice*
Curriculum Committee
MSW Committee
MSW Online Committee
PhD Committee
Members: Deana Morrow, Chair; Michael Brown; Mary Christensen; Bekah Dunaway;
Jacki Englehardt; Megan Gandy; Challice LaRose; Carrie Rishel; Lindsey Rinehart;
Mandy Weirich
Purpose: To collaborate with the School of Social Work Director in ensuring
effective School of Social Work administrative operations.
Members: Megan Gandy, Chair; Bekah Dunaway; Savannah Zink; Kris
Hash; Megan Fabbri; Challice LaRose
Purpose: To collaborate with the BSW Program Director in ensuring
effective BSW Program operations.
Members: Bridget Bailey; Megan Fabbri; Megan Gandy; Fanica Payne;
Lindsey Rinehart; Mandy Weirich
*Committee chair selected by committee members.
Note: Others are welcome to volunteer for this committee.
Purpose: To cultivate a School of Social Work culture that ensures an
ongoing commitment to anti-racism, equity, and justice.
Mary Christensen, Co-Chair; Megan Gandy, Co-chair; Challice LaRose; Lindsey Rinehart;
Mandy Weirich
Purpose: To ensure curricular excellence and compliance with CSWE, School
of Social Work, and WVU curricular standards.
Members: Carrie Rishel, Co-Chair; Jiyoung Tabone, Co-Chair; Megan
Gandy; Rhonda Hayes; Andrew Irish; Lindsey Rinehart*Members elected by faculty;
Committee chair selected by FEC members.
Purpose: To provide review of faculty performance for ensuring high
quality teaching, research, andservice in the School of Social Work.
Field Education Committee
Field Education Committee
Members: Lindsey Rinehart, Chair; Jamie Mesar; Savannah Zink
Purpose: To collaborate with the Field Education Director in ensuring
effective field education operations.
Members: Jacki Englehardt, Co-chair; Lindsey Rinehart, Co-Chair; Mary
Alvarez; Bekah Dunaway; Megan Gandy; Challice LaRose; Carrie Rishel;
Students: Hellen Djabeng; Chloe Mikorski; Lia Schaarschmidt
Purpose: To develop and implement strategies to boost the visibility, recruitment, and
reputation of the School of Social Work.
Members: Mary Christensen, Chair; Jacki Englehardt; Andrew Irish;
Lindsey Rinehart; Mandy Weirich.
Additional application readers: Rhonda Hayes; Bridget Bailey; Megan Fabbri;
Jamie Mesar
Purpose: To collaborate with the MSW Program Director in ensuring effective
MSW Program operations.
Members: Mandy Weirich, Chair; Rhonda Hayes; Jamie Mesar; Fanica
To collaborate with the MSW
Coordinator in ensuring effective MSW Online Program operations.
Members: Carrie Rishel, Chair; Bridget Bailey; Andrew Irish; Jiyoung
Purpose: To guide the development of the first-ever PhD program in social
work for the state of West Virginia.
Other SSW-Relevant Service Assignments
- BSW Student Organization – Bekah Dunaway
- Phi Alpha – Jamie Mesar
- MSW Student Organization – Lindsey Rinehart
- Eberly Chairs/Directors Group – Deana Morrow
- IPE Coordinator – Megan Gandy
- Eberly Curriculum Committee – Bekah Dunaway (2024-2026)
- Eberly FEC Representative – Leslie Tower (2024-2026)
- Eberly Faculty Advisory Council Representative – Jiyoung Tabone (2024-2026)
- WVU Graduate Council – Carrie Rishel
- WVU Faculty Senate – N/A