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Emily Chilko


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Adjunct Instructor

Emily Chilko describes herself as a West Virginian by birth and by choice. In a time where  there are increasing numbers of young people leaving West Virginia for opportunities elsewhere, Emily is grateful to have returned home to West Virginia to dedicate her life to serving the state and its people. Serving West Virginia amidst the third wave opioid  epidemic has unsurprisingly led Emily to her career as an addiction counselor and educator.

Prior to enrolling in WVU’s MSW program in 2011, Emily worked as a counselor in a residential treatment setting for at-risk youth, and in a short-term detox and crisis stabilization facility. In 2013, Emily completed her MSW, and has since worked as a full-time clinician for WVU Medicine. She has worked in various clinical roles at WVU Medicine. She has provided Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) services to patients admitted to Ruby Memorial Hospital. She has provided individual, group, and family therapy to families enrolled in Monongalia County’s Juvenile Drug Court (JDC). She has provided individual and group therapy to individuals enrolled in the Comprehensive Opioid Addiction Treatment (COAT) program and the Addictions Intensive Outpatient treatment program. She has provided group therapy addiction treatment services via telemedicine to consumers in the southern coalfields region of West Virginia. She has provided individual and family therapy in the PREVENT clinic, which serves adolescents with early signs of Substance Use Disorder.

In 2016, Emily obtained her independent clinical social work license (LICSW). In 2020, Emily obtained her Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (AADC) certification.

Emily began teaching MSW students in 2015 for the WVU School of Social Work. She has taught courses relating to substance use disorder, direct practice, and social justice. Emily also teaches undergraduates pursuing an Addiction Studies minor for the WVU College of Education and Human Services.


MSW, West Virginia University, 2013

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