Michelle Lewis
MSW, LICSW, CT, Social Worker/Therapist
Michelle Lewis is the owner of Integrative Counseling Solutions and the Director of the West Virginia Family Grief Center. Throughout her career Michelle’s primary work focus has been helping people process through the effects of trauma and grief. She spent the first 14 years of her career working as a therapist with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, at the Morgantown Vet Center. Through her experience at the Vet Center Michelle has worked with combat veterans from all war eras, veterans that experienced sexual trauma while on active duty and was the bereavement therapist for families that experienced the death of an active duty family member. Currently Michelle’s therapeutic focus is on helping people understand and process through a wide variety of traumatic experiences including grief from sudden deaths. In addition to her work as a therapist, Michelle enjoys providing educational workshops in the community, teaching and supporting students and performing as a field placement supervisor.
MSW, West Virginia University, 2002
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