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Social Work Field Education

Field Education is an integral part of the professional social work curriculum and requires a close cooperative relationship between the School of Social Work and the selected field sites who accept our students for the internship experience. 

Field education has been designated by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) as the “signature pedagogy” and as equal to the course work in social work higher education. Experiential learning complements classroom learning and gives the student the opportunity to build a sense of professional competence and identity that serves as a foundation for ongoing professional growth. Field education provides students with an opportunity to test classroom knowledge as well as to develop and refine skills in advanced integrated practice.

The field education experience is a prominent feature of both the BSW and MSW programs.

Students are required to complete field placements during their social work programs. Further information regarding the field education process and program can be found under the Student Field Experience page . If you are an agency interested in having a student and would like more information, please see the Placement Agencies and Field Instructors page .

Pre-Placement FAQs for Students

For any questions, please contact Lindsey Rinehart, Field Education Director.