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Learning Outcomes

For Social Work Doctoral Study

The WVU SSW PhD program has been developed in accordance with the Quality Guidelines for PhD Programs in Social Work established by The Group for the Advancement of Social Work Education (GADE). GADE is the primary organization which promotes doctoral study and disseminates guidelines for quality Social Work PhD Programs. 

Based on the GADE guidelines, the PhD program graduates in social work will be able to do the following:

  1. Students will demonstrate expert knowledge in their chosen content area and explain how their work fits within the intellectual landscape of social work, including its relevance to social policy and social justice.

  2. Students will design and implement independent research that is guided by theory and addresses significant, meaningful, and relevant social work research questions.
  3. Students will conduct a broad range of methodological and statistical techniques appropriate to the research question(s) posed.
  4. Students will clearly communicate and disseminate results of their research, both through professional oral presentations and written manuscripts.
  5. Students will abide by social work values and ethics in the implementation of research and knowledge development.
  6. Students will demonstrate effective teaching skills, including the implementation of theories of adult learning and instructional strategies that are appropriate for diverse populations and learning styles.