Carrie W. Rishel, Ph.D.
PhD Program Director, Rural Integrated Behavioral Health Training Program Director and Professor
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Dr. Rishel is a Professor and Director of the PhD Program at WVU. Her research and teaching interests are in child and adolescent behavioral health, prevention-focused social work practice, trauma-informed practice, and integrated models of service delivery. She joined the faculty at the WVU School of Social Work in 2004 after completing her Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Social Work. Her social work practice experience centered on working with children and families, especially on prevention work with children in schools. She also serves as director of the Rural Integrated Behavioral Health Training (RIBHT) Program within the WVU MSW program. This training program, supported by federal grants through the US Department of Health and Human Services, prepares MSW students to apply a prevention-focused integrative approach to address behavioral health needs of underserved populations across the lifespan. Along with her research and teaching activities, she remains actively involved in efforts across the state to improve behavioral health services for children and families.
- Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2004
- M.S.W., University of Pittsburgh, 1999
- B.A., Haverford College, 1997
- Child and adolescent behavioral health
- Prevention of mental health problems
- Risk and protective factors related to child outcomes
- Prevention-focused social work practice
- Integrated models of service delivery
- Trauma-informed prevention and intervention
- Generalist Social Work Practice
- Advanced Direct Practice
- Social Work Practice with Children and Families
- Child Mental Health
- Integrated Behavioral Healthcare
- Social Work Research and Program Evaluation
- School of Social Work Administrative Team Member
- PhD Committee
- Eberly College Graduate Directors Group
Tabone, J. K.,
Rishel, C. W., Hartnett, H. P., Szafran, K. F., & Royse, R.
(2022). Examining the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Gender on
Trauma-Informed Intervention Outcomes.
Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. Published online August 2022,
Tabone, J. K.,
Rishel, C. W., Hartnett, H. P., Szafran, K. F. (2022). Trauma-informed
intervention with children: Integrating the CANS assessment with the ARC framework
in a clinical setting.
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 15, 65-74.
Rishel, C. W., Guthrie, S. K., & Hartnett, H. P. (2020). Who am I and What do I do? Developing a Social Work Identity through Interprofessional Education and Practice. Advances in Social Wo rk, 20, 440-453.
Tabone, J. K. Rishel, C. W., Hartnett, H. P., & Szafran, K. (2020). Examining the effectiveness of early intervention to create trauma-informed school environments. Children and Youth Services Review, 113, 7 pages.
Rishel, C. W. & Hartnett, H. P. (2019). Preparing the Workforce to Prevent Behavioral Health Problems in Children and Youth. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 39, 2-22.
Rishel, C. W., Tabone, J. K., Hartnett, H. P., Szafran, K. F. (2019). Trauma-Informed Elementary Schools: Evaluation of a School-Based Early Intervention for Young Children. Children & Schools, 41, 239-248.
Rishel, C. W. & Hartnett, H. P (2018). Innovations in Field Education to Improve Integrated Care for Young People and their Families. Field Educator, 8.2, 1-17.
Browne, T., Keefe, R. H., Ruth, B. J., Cox, H., Maramaldi, P., Rishel, C. W., Roundtree,M., Zlotnik, J., & Marshall, J. (2017). Advancing Social Work Education for Health Impact. American Journal of Public Health, 107, S3, S229-235.
Rishel, C. W . & Hartnett, H. P. (2017). Meeting the Challenge of Preparing Social Workers for Integrated Health Practice: Evidence from Two MSW Cohorts. Journal of Social Work Education, 53 sup1 , S27-S39.
Rishel, C. W., Hartnett, H. P., & Davis, B. L. (2016). Preparing Students to Provide Integrated Behavioral Health Services in Rural Communities: The Importance of Relationships in Knowledge-Building and Practice. Advances in Social Work 17, 151-165.
Rishel, C. W. (2015). Establishing a Prevention-Focused Integrative Approach to Social Work Practice. Families in Society, 96, 125-132.
Rishel, C. W. & Hartnett, H. P (2015). Preparing MSW Students to Provide Mental and Behavioral Health Services to Military Personnel, Veterans, and their Families in Rural Settings. Journal of Social Work Education, 51.sup 1, S26-S43.
Rishel, C. W. (2014). Teaching Note - Integrating Prevention Content into Clinical Social Work Practice Courses. Journal of Social Work Education, 50, 752-762.
Rishel, C. W., Morris, T. L., Colyer, C., & Gurley-Calvez, T. (2014). Preventing the residential placement of young children: A multidisciplinary investigation of challenge sand opportunities in a rural state. Children and Youth Services Review, 37, 9-14.
Rishel, C. W., Cottrell, L., & Kingery, T. (2012). Preventing Adolescent Risk Behavior in the Rural Context: An Integrative Analysis of Adolescent, Parent, and Provider Perspectives. Journal of Family Social Work, 15, 401-416.
Rishel, C. W. (2012). Pathways to prevention for children
of depressed mothers: Are view of the literature and recommendations for practice.
Depression Research and Treatment, Vol 2012, Article ID 313689, 11 pages.
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