Student Information Statement Regarding Impact of Criminal Background History, Drug Screen Results, and/or Record of Child and/or Adult Protective Service substantiated complaints
Students in a Professional Social Work Program are expected to demonstrate the capacity to practice with integrity and within the ethical guidelines outlined within the NASW Code of Ethics. Increasingly, students and employees are required by field placement sites or future employers to undergo a criminal background check, child and/or adult protective services check* and initial baseline and/or random drug screen tests, prior to engaging in field work or employment. Felony convictions and some serious misdemeanors may negatively impact a student’s forward progress and/or completion of her/his academic program as well as future professional licensure and future employment within the Social Work field.
Such information could impact the student in the following areas:
- The ability to secure and complete the required Field Placement Experience, as most field placement agencies request criminal background investigations, fingerprint checks, child and/or adult protective services check and/or random drug screens; and/or
- The ability to be considered eligible for licensure as a social worker by the West Virginia Board of Social Work (WVBSW), which requires that licensure applicants must provide a sworn statement regarding the existence of a criminal history; as per the West Virginia State Code which states that certain misdemeanor or felony convictions could preclude the possibility of acquiring one’s license to practice social work. See W. Va. Code § 30-30-1, et seq. and/or
- The ability to secure employment within the social work practice field, as most employers within the social work field require that applicant either possess or be eligible for, a social work license, as well as require criminal background investigations, fingerprint checks, child and/or adult protective services check and/or random drug screens, as a condition for employment.