Based on information provided by other institutions, the Transfer Section of Undergraduate Admissions makes course equivalence decisions on all coursework without a social work prefix that is transferred into the WVU system. Social work courses transferred from other institutions that may count as transferred credit are reviewed by the BSW Program Director to determine equivalence to courses taught in the WVU BSW Program. The student is responsible for providing the BSW Program Director will all relevant information on which to base a decision. Any credits awarded for upper division social work coursework completed at another institution must have been taken in a social work program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
When a decision is made, the student and the Office of Admissions and Records are informed and WVU’s official transcript is adjusted to reflect the proper social work course number for which transfer credit has been granted, or leaves the course as an open-credit social work course if credit for a WVU social work course has not been granted. Open-credit social work courses count toward fulfilling the requirement for free electives. The program is committed to avoiding redundancy in the social work foundation areas while protecting the integrity of the WVU BSW curriculum. Field Experience courses may not be transferred to WVU from an unaccredited social work program.